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Red Cabbage Microgreens

Red Cabbage Microgreens

 Red cabbage microgreens meet all the criteria for what is traditionally considered to be a superfood. The difference, in this case, is that there is extensive scientific evidence to back up the claims. Highly concentrated Vitamin C in red cabbage microgreens helps to boost the immune system and protect you from common illnesses like cold and flu. People with high Vitamin C levels are also less at risk of developing eye disease and cardiovascular disease.

Sulfur-based chemicals like Glucosinolates are broken down when red cabbage microgreens are chopped, crushed, chewed, and digested. By-products like nitriles, isothiocyanates, and indoles are activated, and there is mounting evidence to show that these compounds can prevent or even help to treat cancer. Isothiocyanates can prevent the development of cancer by inhibiting carcinogens that are introduced into the body through tobacco smoke or air pollution. Isothiocyanates are so powerful that they are now being developed for use in lung cancer pharmaceuticals [2, 3].

Because cruciferous vegetables like red cabbage microgreens can protect against DNA damage, reduce inflammation, and promote unhealthy cell death, they are considered to be amongst the most powerful natural cancer-fighting agents known today. Red cabbage and other dark foods like blueberry, cocoa, and pomegranate are rich sources of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins do more than just color foods. They can inhibit the formation and growth of cancer tumors, limit oxidative stress in the body, and fight carcinogens that are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed by other means [6].

While not technically a vitamin, the chemical compound known as Vitamin U is abundant in red cabbage microgreens and can help to protect your stomach and promote gastrointestinal health.

Elevated amyloid plaques in nervous system tissues are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Laboratory testing has proven that red cabbage microgreen extracts can reduce amyloid plaque concentration by a significant amount, sometimes from 100% to just 9.6% in a controlled environment [5]. While further study is needed to fully understand the relationship between microgreens and Alzheimer’s, introducing red cabbage sprouts into your diet today could significantly reduce your risk of neurodegenerative conditions later in life.  Information found on the internet.

    40 Grams
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